South Lake Tahoe Home buyers looking for properties priced under $300,000 are finding that there is not much to choose from. Currently there are only 11 single family 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage homes priced under $300,000 on the South Lake Tahoe MLS. There are 78 total single family listings under $300,000 including properties with less than 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and without garages.
The following statistics are for residential (single family and Condo/Townhouses) located in the City and County areas on the South Lake Tahoe MLS:
- Total listings: 416
- Active listings: 250
- Listings in Escrow: 166
The 166 listings that are in escrow represent 39.9% of the total single family inventory in South Lake Tahoe.
Breakdown by price range of the 166 escrows:
- Under $200,000 56 properties 33.7% of the inventory in escrow is under $200,000
- $201-$300,000 47 properties 62% of the inventory in escrow is under $300,000
- $301-$400,000 29 properties 79.5% of the inventory in escrow is under $400,000
- $401-$500,000 16 properties
- $501-$600,000 7 properties
- $601-$700,000 3 properties
- $701-$800,000 1 property
- $801-$999,000 3 properties
- Over 1 Million 4 properties
So far this year there have been 207 single family properties sold on the South Lake Tahoe MLS. Out of the 207 sales, 84 were bank owned foreclosures (40.5%) and 36 were short sales (17.4%).
Brent, there would be a lot more inventory if you weren’t selling all the houses. J