May South Lake Tahoe Real Estate Review
Real Estate in South Lake Tahoe traditionally picks up speed when the weather warms up, and May was no exception. According to the South Lake Tahoe MLS, there were 31 single family home sales in May, up from 20 in April.
Foreclosure sales were down again from 11 in March to 4 in April, and only 2 in May. After talking with a couple of foreclosure listing agents in my office, they both agree that the foreclosure inventory will continue to decrease through the summer. The decrease in foreclosure listings should help the existing inventory get more attention from home buyers.
There were 37 single family houses thatΒ wentΒ into escrow on the South Lake TahoeΒ MLS in May. The highest priced house is 9120 South Lane for $9,950,000 in Meeks Bay. There were a couple of houses that were priced very attractively, 3504 Rocky Point(foreclosure) and 649 Seneca (my listing), that I am not surprised went into escrow quickly.
Lots in South Lake Tahoe have remained about the same as last month. There were 4 lots that sold, and 3 that went into escrow in May. There were two lots with allocations that sold for under $100,000!
Condos in South Lake Tahoe saw the most activity in May that they have seen all year. There were 7 closed condo sales, and 6 more that went into escrow.
Over all the South Lake Tahoe Real Estate market is still not what it was in the last few years, but is continuing to show improvements. Could this be the bottom? Only time will tell…